
More Americans use smartphones for daily news information

According to a new survey of American adult consumers, more mobile phone subscribers will use their mobile phones to get the news, something that in the past wasn’t customary. The Pew Research Centre for the people and the Press report has been published and examines just how Americans receive their news.

Television obviously is still the largest medium of news delivery while the use of search engine news is rising; however mobile phone usage for news has been negligible to say the least. This could quite possibly change as more and more Americans acquire smartphones.

The Pew Research Centre for the people and the Press report states: “The explosion in cell phone ownership since the mid-1990s has not had much of an impact on the public’s news consumption. Relatively few get news using these phones. But the next generation of phones — iPhones and BlackBerries — are now widely used for news. More than a third of smartphone users (37%) get news from these devices.”

The report indicates that 31 percent of smartphone respondents in the survey said they checked the news several times a day.

Source — people-press via informationweek

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