
Can BlackBerry (RIMM) battle with iPhone? New Xobni

The iPhone is one of the most talked about smartphones at the moment and a question we would love answered is “Can BlackBerry (RIMM) battle with iPhone? The reason we ask this is because with the new Xobni investment can the above be true.

RIM’s new $3.2 million investment could be the move forward which will give BlackBerry a very smart app called Xobni for managing e-mail in its battle with Apple, you can read more on mastering your inbox and platform war over on BusinessWeek.

The new startup Xobni which makes an e-mail search tool seems to be the move forward for Research In Motion and with the BlackBerry Partners Fund, a massive $150 million venture capital fund is aimed at encouraging development software for RIM’s popular handheld devices. A huge $3.2 million is being funded for Xobni alone which is being led by Cisco Systems (CSCO), which invested about $7 million.


One thought on “Can BlackBerry (RIMM) battle with iPhone? New Xobni”

  1. Wow says:

    RIMM will outsell Apple in the wireless market by a margin of 2-1 this quarter. They will outsell apple by an even larger margin next quarter.

    Who has the upper hand in this competition for sales? I believe the sales numbers speak for themselves.

    Only in the bizzaro world of tech journalism would the company leading and growing in market share and unit sales be considered the underdog.

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