
Developers: Do you like iPhone OS 3.0 beta Apple Push Notification service?

Apple has now given access to a special version of the Associated Press application to registered iPhone developers so they can test iPhones running iPhone OS 3.0 beta 5 with the instructions to let Apple know if they don’t receive notifications within 48 hours.

So Apple wants to know if the push notifications are working and what better way to find out than from developers, and make sure everything is running smoothly according to theiphoneblog

Developers: Do you like iPhone OS 3.0 beta Apple Push Notification service?

So what we’d like to know is if iPhone developers are actually pleased and happy with iPhone OS 3.0 beta 5 and if they like Apple Push Notification Service? So iPhone developers feel free to drop us a comment in the comment area below.


2 thoughts on “Developers: Do you like iPhone OS 3.0 beta Apple Push Notification service?”

  1. If you need help getting your UDID activated on a developers account i found the website that i linked to my name above actually found them in facebook, just click on my name to go there. They had me up and running in no time and i now have complete access to their Apple developers account with my own user ID and password. It was worth it, just my 2 cents for anyone who is in the same boat i was.


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