
Google cease and desist letter for Cyanogen mod

It looks like a Cyanogen mod is getting into a spot of bother with Google, as Google send the developer of the Cyanogen modded Android ROM a cease and desist letter whereby Google ask him to stop distributing the closed source Google applications.

Seems Google isn’t too happen with the closed source apps such as YouTube, Maps and Gmail, but Cyanogen does appear to be somewhat popular with over 30,000 user’s claims androidandme.

One wonders if Google and Cyanogen can come to some type of mutual agreement, otherwise this may well be the end of Cyanogen apps. The developer does say he is trying to seek a dialogue with Google though.


3 thoughts on “Google cease and desist letter for Cyanogen mod”

  1. Brahmson says:

    The app market does not include some of these google applications (i.e. Gmail, Google Talk) so if they are not distributed with the modified rom the user will end up with a significantly inferior phone, practically defeating the reason for an alternate rom (and google can close the few remaining workaroud to get these apps).

    So legal issues aside, it appears that Google is trying to control the market and the user experience in the very same way Apple does.

    This opens the door for for Apple to go back to the FCC and say that they are not controlling the iPhone market more than Google does the Android app market. Google may have been penny wise and pound foolish. They thought they shot Cyanogen, buy may have shot themselves in the foot.

  2. ItsMichaelNotMike says:

    LOL… you better change your story. You said: “whereby Google ask (sic) him to stop distributing the closed source Google applications”

    Google did not “ask” him to stop, they demanded.

    Cease and desist letters are threatening and make a demand that someone stop doing what they are doing or they will be sued.

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