
HTC Attentive Phone App Walkthrough WP7 Video

What we have for you HTC fans today is a walkthrough of the HTC Attentive phone application which is only available to HTC devices and is a free download for HTC Windows Phone 7 handsets.

The HTC Attentive Phone app walkthrough video comes to us courtesy of Adam Z Lein of Pocket Now and delivers two and a half minutes of getting to know all about this HTC Windows Phone 7 application.

The HTC Attentive Phone app apparently adds four new accelerometer feature enhancements to your device dialler meaning you can quiet the ring when you pick up the device and set it down and there’s what’s called Pocket Mode which utilises the proximity sensor to work out if your handset is in the pocket and thus increase ringer volume.

There is more to the HTC Attentive Phone app but I’ll stop there as not to spoil your viewing on the video so head on down, hit the play button and check out this HTC Attentive Phone app walkthrough…enjoy.


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