
iPhone 4 Gevey Pro SIM & WiFiRobin Hack Tool: Not Expensive

Got two products here that you can buy, and the more you order the cheaper each unit gets, the two products are the iPhone 4 Turbo Unlock Sim called the Gevey Pro and the WiFi Hack Tool called the WiFiRobin.

First up is the Gevey Pro SIM that unlocks iOS 4.3.2, 4.0, 4.1, 4.2.1, 4.3, 4.3.1 and 4.3.2 Baseband 1.59, 2.10, 3.10.1, 4.10, 4.10.1. Apple blocked the Gevey SIM back in iOS 5 beta 2 and so on, but you can still buy these SIMS, prices are: 1 to 5 units will cost $3.60 each, 6 – 20 $3.30 each, 21 – 50 $3.10 each, 51 – 100 $3.00 each, and if you buy 101 or more they are $2.90 each. For more information please visit Electronics Wholesales.

The next product is the Wifirobin for Free Wifi, there may be free WiFi signals all around you but they are pretty much useless if they are secured networks, but thanks to this device it will get you free WiFi network.

This WiFi Decoder is very powerful indeed, 1000 MW Long Range USB WiFi Adapter that can access WiFi connections up to 2 km away! Apparently this product will crack the WEP encryption, not sure if this is illegal but they are selling it. The Wifirobin for Free Wifi can decode, hack, crack, unlock and reveal the passwords of most of the secured connections.

Unit prices for the Wifirobin: If you buy between 1 to 10 units they will cost $72.00 each, 11 to 20 units $68.00 each, 21 to 50 units $65.00 each, 51 to 100 units $62.00 each, 101 to 200 units will cost $60.00 each, and if you decide to buy 201 or more of these products they will cost you $58.00 each. Please visit Electronics Wholesales for more info.

Please remember we think these units may possibly be illegal to use, not too sure so be careful, but the more you buy the cheaper the product unit gets. Please let us know if you would consider buying from this wholesaler.


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