
Android Max Payne Mobile app wait like Temple Run

It seems a release delay saga is underway for an Android app yet again. If you’re one of the many people waiting for Max Payne Mobile on the Android platform you may already have realized that the Rockstar game has been delayed, even though the iOS app is already available and was released on time.

At the beginning of April we told of the Rockstar announcement that the iOS version of Max Payne mobile would be released on April 12 with the Android game due for launch on April 26. However April 26 has come and gone and while those with iPhones, iPod touches and iPads are getting their fill of Max Payne mobile, those with Android devices are left waiting once again. Rather ironically at the time we told of the release coming on April 26 we posted that we hoped there wouldn’t be another Android app delay, as was well documented with the Temple Run for Android release saga.

Hopefully the Android wait for Max Payne Mobile won’t be quite as long as people had to wait for Temple Run for Android, with delays becoming increasingly frustrating and fake apps and scams appearing. Nevertheless there will undoubtedly be some Android users out there who must be wondering why it always seems to be the Android platform that is plagued with delays. Max Payne Mobile was much-anticipated and the iOS app has been a big hit so once again Android gamers are being left out of the loop.

News of the Android Max Payne Mobile delay comes to us from MCV but Rockstar say the game is only slightly delayed because of a need for some further final testing and should be available in early May at Google Play. Although it could be available later this week then, it’s a little ominous that Rockstar hasn’t given another precise release date. However after the frustration caused by release dates for Temple Run (Imangi Studios) that came and went, this may have seemed like a necessary precaution and Rockstar is boxing clever by not pinning down a release date.

Let’s hope then that Rockstar does indeed release Max Payne Mobile for Android later this week and we can avoid another scenario where Android gamers feel second best to iOS users. We’d like to hear how you feel about this Android app delay. Are you hoping that the delay will be very short as you can’t wait to play the Android Max Payne? Maybe you’re already becoming frustrated at the release delay? Alternatively you might feel that it’s more important to get the app right rather than release it before it’s ready? Let us know with your comments.


4 thoughts on “Android Max Payne Mobile app wait like Temple Run”

  1. jeremy says:

    Rockstar has only released quality games, if they need some time to polish it up so be it. It’s gonna be One of the best games on Android i hope

    1. Anonymous says:

      While I agree, I WANTS ME SOME BULLET TIME! lol Now to go do a few more missions in GTAIII (Which works perfectly fine on the Evo 3D, despite what Rockstar says…)

  2. phila says:

    from a mobile developer point of view, I can see why the iOS versions are done “first”:iPhone/iPad have 2 screen resolutions per device type, and if you go for the smaller resolution it still works perfectly on the higher resolution
    iOS device owners are happy to pay for things, no matter what they are (99c for a fart app that was the highest selling app in Xmas 2 years ago made the developer over a MILLION DOLLARS), with fewer free apps with adverts (as Apple have only recently added iAds)

    Android has MANY screen resolutions to work with, but 4 screen sizes, 4 screen densities, plus an additional density for TV, plus a “wide/not wide” option for larger than usual screens, this includes slightly different screen resolutions on similar sizes (e.g. 800×480 & 854×480)
    Android owners “expect” a free version of the game (with adverts) as well as a paid version (without adverts) – Google have ALWAYS had access to their ad services in Android

    The extra work for graphics, resolutions, screen scale, etc is a LOT of extra work, and most developers try to “avoid” having to do the extra work, because they can earn more money from iOS with a LOT less work

    the problem with this is that the Android install base is a LOT larger than iOS, with 50%+ of smartphones being Android and roughly 25% being iPhones, so the market is twice the size, and with adverts you make money, but not as much as from iOS sales (as they’re more willing to part with their cash)

    note that we’re half way through May and still no sign of Max Payne for Android – shows how much effort Rockstar are REALLY putting into it, because if it was important to them, it would be out by now 😛

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