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Blog from anywhere with these mobile blogging tools

Are you a blogger? Perhaps you have a great idea for your next blog while you are out, and want to place it on your blog rather than somewhere such as Twitter, well now you can without having to rush home. With these seven nifty blogging aids you can blog from anywhere you happen to be straight from your mobile handset.

Probably one of the most friendly mobile blogging platforms available is, it allows the user to create a blog and then send it to where it will be saved until you reach your computer and retrieve it for your blog, and once that is accomplished you can also send images and short posts too. LiveJournal allows the user to send text posts via their mobile handset, and also record voice post depending on the level of your account of course.

Microsoft Live Spaces:  for the blogger who uses their Windows Live Space as their blog, your mobile can send an email to your blog where it can be saved either as a draft or publish it directly to your blog page.

Movable Type on Apple iPhone: A tool for using Movable Type 4 which can be added as a plug-in to your iPhone and gives you freedom of access to your personal blog and comments, all from your Apple iPhone or Apple iPod Touch.

Type Pad:  this system is most popular amongst small business and has numerous ways to update your blog whilst on the go. Type Pad incorporates mobile intefacs for Apple’s iPhone and iPod Touch, and native support is in development, and also Windows Mobile 5 and 6, Symbian S60 handsets and Palm OS.

WordPress Mobile Admin Plugin:  the renowned uploading program WordPress, a plug-in for self-hosted installs which will make the admin area mobile friendly and allow the user to submit posts direct to their blog. Wordpredd Mobile Admin Plugin is directed towards Apple’s iPhone and iPod Touch; however it will work on a vast range of other mobiles.


Source — mashable

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