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APIs to work with Apple iPhone from Google

Apple and Google the joining of two giants in mobile and internet continuing their work in harmony. So now Google has just released a set of APIs in their GData Objective-C Client Library which allows iPhone developers to use Apple APIs alongside Goole APIs in the iPhone. All apps written in Odjective-C should be able to make use of the new Google APIs, but the real deal is the Apple iPhone.

Google APIs include the Google Blogger API, Google Contacts API, Google Spreadsheets API and YouTube API. All this means the iPhone user can upload their video direct to YouTube or edit Google contacts on the fly.

“Perhaps you want your iPhone software to send photos to a Picasa Web Albums account, or keep a journal of phone calls automatically in Blogger. Maybe your iPhone application accesses a database of information from a Google Spreadsheet or from Google Base. With the Google Data APIs Objective-C Client Library, creating software for these tasks is straightforward.”

“If you are writing iPhone software, just drag the “GData Sources” group folder from the GData project file into your iPhone project, and use the GData APIs as you would when writing a Mac application. “

Source — iphoneatlas

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