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More iTunes ringtones coming from Apple soon

Everyone knows ringtones are a lucrative business especially the record industry, and for this reason the record labels wish to extend their so far lucrative partnership with iPhone giant Apple, to be able to additionally charge iPhone users for downloadable tune snips and ringback tones.

The record labels may well have a point, why shouldn’t they be greedy and make extra cash wherever and whenever possible, but it would be good to know just why they believe ringtones should cost more when a user purchases over a hypothetical 3G iTunes Store than the present WiFi option.

The record industry keeps losing out on profits, while change is too hard for some to understand. The age of the CD is over, and that’s probably why the record labels are crying over ringtones and downloadable content including downloadable music.

For far too long the fat cats within the record industry have had a feast at the expense of everyday music loving folk, maybe if the record companies actually cut the price of a CD they may make some sales. As it is net music is cheaper and the future of music and ringtones.

According to the New York Times, Apple will be updating its ringtone iTunes offering sometime around mid-June. That being done, how about giving up the much anticipated Apple 3G iPhone to download them onto? Come on Apple ringtone updates iTunes or not are not much good if you don’t release that second generation iPhone pretty soon, and maybe throw in a few free iTunes ringtones as well as an incentive.

Source — gizmodo

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