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Store multiple passwords with 1Password for iPhone

Wouldn’t it be nice to be able to store all your passwords for online accounts in one place? Well soon we should be seeing 1Password for the Apple iPhone.

1Passowrd for the Apple iPhone is an application which stores all those online accounts passwords so you won’t need to type them every time you wish to log in to an online account.

It looks as if the PIN field will allow fast access to “less sensitive” info like your Flickr or Digg logins, however for more secure sites such as your bank account then the usual Master Password is implemented.

The developers considered creative methods such as gestures and the like for unlocking, however in the end decided a “PIN feels more natural and is a well-understood concept, and you can’t beat a real password for security.”

The 1Password iPhone app will itself be a browser due to Apple’s strict rules regarding hacking existing apps, and Apple couldn’t modify safari to integrate with 1Password for the iPhone.

Unfortunately 1Password will miss opening day at the Apple AppStore, but should become available shortly after.

Source — tuaw

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