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Verizon offers the BlackBerry Storm to test at events nationwide

Are you a BlackBerry Storm 9530 hopeful waiting to get your hands on this much anticipated mobile handset? Are you counting down the days as the availability date slowly drags closer? Well how about alleviating that frustrating wait a little?

Verizon Wireless is holding events in selected USA cities and at these events Verizon will have a BlackBerry Storm 9530 for those that attend to test out. Imagine, being able to hold, fell and play with the BlackBerry Storm 9530 before others get a chance to.

These Verizon events where you can caress your much desired BlackBerry Storm 9530 kick off in Omaha NE come October 28th and will continue until 20th of November in Milwaukee, and whist there, there is free food on the go as well, got to be a good deal.

Source — blackberrynews

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