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RIM BlackBerry buys Chalk Media Corp: Chalkboard

Research in Motion (RIM) today announced they will be buying Chalk Media Corp. (CVE:CKM) For those of you unfamiliar with Chalk and what your BlackBerry will be capable of, here is a run down.

The product that seemed to get everyone’s attention at the WES in 2007 was Mobile Chalkboard, it’s basically a way you can create and deliver securely multimedia content to all BlackBerry devices, such as the BlackBerry Storm, Bold, Curve and Pearl. The Content could be either audio, video, static slides that could include voiceovers and animation.

All content is converted especially for the BlackBerry, not only that when you send the multimedia contents you can ask for feedback, plus the ability to subscribe to audio podcasts and video.
You will also be able to create a PowerPoint presentation if you install the Chalkboard PowerPoint plug in.

Source: CrackBerry

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