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CTIA 2009: New portable Wi-Fi router, Clearwire WiMax service for smartphones

The CTIA Wireless 2009 tradeshow seems to be hot at the moment and Clearwire has announced a brand new portable Wi-Fi router and WiMax service which works great for smartphones, this new router will allow Wi-Fi to connect consumer electronics devices like smartphones to its new 4G wireless network.

Network operators Clearwire is currently building WiMax networks worldwide and the newly announced Clear Spot made by CradlePoint is a brilliant battery-powered device that can connect up to eight different devices to the Clearwire WiMax network via Wi-Fi, this will cost you $139 and will go on sale later this month.

The new service is fantastic because it will work with most Wi-Fi-enabled smartphones like the Palm Pre, BlackBerry devices, T-Mobile G1 and many Windows Mobile phones and not forgetting the iPhone from Apple. For more information please visit Cnet.

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