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Poll: Is the Pixi and Pre enough to keep Palm going?

Now that the Palm Pre has been available for some time, and with the introduction of the new lower cost Palm Pixi, can Palm turn their fortunes around and survive in the ever increasing battle that dominates the mobile phone arena?

Betanews takes a look at Palm’s prospects. Currently Palm is stuck with Sprint exclusivity, but if Verizon picks up the Palm Pre in time for the holiday season Palm may pick up more custom although I doubt if the Palm Pre will see the kind of carrier jumping that came with the iPhone in 07.

Palm needs to deliver various good devices to grab customer attention, but the real crunch comes with mobile applications such as offered by the App Store and Android Market, this is where Palm will survive or die, and until Palm works hard on getting an abundance of apps for their handset their comeback will be long and arduous.

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