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iPhone and iPod Touch Unofficial Sync coming to Linux

Windows version if Apple’s iTunes has been around for quite some time leaving those that use Linux a bit out in the cold, and thus require unofficial solutions, which apparently are on their way reports the iphone blog.

Apparently these unofficial solutions for syncing the iPhone and iPod Touch courtsey of marcansoft are libug-1.0 which provides an advanced API to access USB devices under Linux…usbmuxd, which coordinates app access and talks the specific iPhone/iTouch USB protocol… libiphone which implements the Apple-specific protocols that are tunnelled through usbmuxd.

Then there’s iFuse and gvfs-backend-afc which both provide access to AFC to regular Linux apps… libgpod is being extended to support the new SQLite format, the new hash, and also to talk to libiphone to properly put the device in to and out of sync mode.

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