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Mobile Phones Linked to 4 Types of Cancer in Study

The issue of mobile phones and cancer health problems rears its head again today, as The Mirror reports the findings of the World Health Organisation, and Mobile Phone Company funded Interphone study which has taken 10 years and cost a huge £20 million.

The Interphone study has found that heavy mobile phone users can suffer up to 50% more tumours, and scientists say that there is a “significantly increased risk” of users developing 3 types of brain tumour and one of the salivary gland.

Head of the study, Dr Elisabeth Cardis has said, “I am globally in agreement with the idea of restricting the use by children, though I would not go as far as banning mobiles.”

The study findings are to be published sometime in the next 8 weeks have apparently led to calls for mobile phones to carry a health warning.

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