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Happy New Year 2010: SMS and Calling network coverage

First of all let us say a big Happy New Year for 2010, as we all know we will all be celebrating on Thursday 31st to see the New Year in singing Auld Lang Syne, and we all know how many of us will be using our mobile phones that night to contact a loved one, friends and family to wish then a Happy New Year.

The thing is that each year we all have the same problem making calls or text messaging (SMS) someone, so many people try to connect but cannot due to so many people trying to connect on the network they use, we would love to know what network can handle the immense amount of customers.

What network will handle this pressure the most, will it be O2, Vodafone, T-Mobile, 3, Orange, the list goes on, let us know what network you are on and were you able to get connection last New Year.

Networks are getting much better but are they good enough to take the strain of so many people at once using their mobile phones? Whilst your here please do send in your Happy New Year greetings below in the comments area.

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