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Video: Nokia Easy To Be Green Mobile Phone Internet Browsing

We have a Green Eco video for your entertainment today courtesy of the guys over at Nokia Conversations, which it appears wants Nokia handset users to stop using their computers for internet surfing and concentrate more on using their Nokia mobile device.

It is all in the name of being Green and eco-friendly of course as apparently the same amount of energy to update your Facebook status one time on you computer uses the same amount of energy to update your Facebook status with your Nokia mobile phone 100 times.

So basically if you switch to using your Nokia mobile phone for accessing the mobile internet you’ll be doing your bit for the environment. They also say that if just some of the 1 billion people now using Nokia handsets could begin browsing on their handset the effect on CO2 emissions would be drastic.

You can view the one minute Easy To Go Green video below which the Nokia environmental team has put together to show us how using our mobile phone can have an impact on our environment…enjoy

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