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Windows Mobile 7 RC1 escrow build leaked

The latest mobile operating system flavour to be officially announced from Microsoft is Windows Mobile 7 and is getting nearer and nearer to its final version according to an article over at

The latest build of the Window Phone 7 which has leaked into the open is said to be the RC1 escrow build and it is presumed this will be declared the actual Release Candidate 1 version of the mobile platform.

The ROM image of this supposedly near final RC1 escrow version of Windows Phone 7 is actually already available for download and for those of you that are interested you are able to get it up and running in emulation.

According to Paul Thurrott, the build is an unlocked version of the solution which was included in the developer tools CTP April Refresh which was released a few weeks ago. The first handsets said to run under the Windows Phone 7 operating system should arrive on the market at some point during the fourth quarter of the ongoing year. As soon as we have details on the final release of the platform we will let you know.

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