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iPhone Ads with Video Chat Being Made by America Beauty Director Mendes

Word has it that Apple is gearing up for an onslaught of multiple iPhone TV commercials which is said to be being directed by American Beauty director Sam Mendes, and apparently one of the commercials features a mother and daughter using the next iPhone’s front facing camera for video chat between the two.

According to the article over on Electronista, the guys over at Engadget have located a couple of tweets that come from two actors who are apparently auditioning for said iPhone 4G commercials, one actor being in Los Angeles while the other in New York.

Previously the iPhone 3G and 3GS had one advert each directed by David Fincher of Fight Club, which showed the iconic iPhone being exposed in a maximum security facility, so using Sam Mendes for the new adverts may bring something new.

There is of course no word on where the iPhone advert will be shot or when, but previously Apple has used their 5th Avenue store in Manhattan as a location.

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