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How Much Is A 32GB Apple iPad Worth?

Well that’s the questions isn’t it? How about exchanging an iPhone 3GS for the bigger iPhone-ish iPad or how about cold hard cash or even an iPod Touch, or even if you are that desperate try offering the HTC EVO 4G, no doubt you may get a buyer then.

However what you don’t do is slap an advert on Craighslist like some gormless idiot did as according to an article over on Mashable by Lauren Indvik by way of a report by ABC15; 20 year old Jacob Walker actually posted an article on craighslist wanting to trade Pot for an iPad.

Yes folks this dimwit even posted an image of the iPod Touch and 7 gram stash of marijuana he was willing to exchange for a 32GB iPad. Naturally this interested police and they sent this goof an email saying they were interested in the deal.

When the cops met with the guy and friend Jacob Veldare, instead of making the expected trade, both were arrested and handed over the marijuana, and are now facing charges of possession and attempting to sell an illegal substance.

You know, some people just don’t have any grey matter whatsoever; so if you are intending on advertising on Craighslist or anywhere else for that matter for an iPad, offer an iPhone or something along similar lines and not illegal drugs.

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