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BlackBerry Storm Promotion: Submit Today

Recently there was a BlackBerry Storm Promotion which basically turned out to be an email scam whereby mailboxes where flooded with fake emails offering free BlackBerry smartphones in the promotional drive.

This particular BlackBerry Storm Promotion scam according to an article over on Dynamoo by way of Hoax-Slayer is a total hoax and is just a newer version of another hoax email scam which offered free Sony Ericsson and Nokia smartphones.

Obviously most see these scams for what they are especially when the email asks the recipient to send a copy of said email to 8 friends and you’ll receive your phone in 24 hours, however no doubt some do fall for it, but all such emails are hoaxes and should be reported.

However, there are bound to be some genuine BlackBerry Storm Promotions around, and we would like to invite our readership to submit any BlackBerry Storm Promotion they happen to come across by posting a link in our comments area below…thanks.

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