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Apple Welcomes iOS App All Comers With developer Tools U-turn

In the past Apple has been somewhat closed to 3rd-party developer tools for their iOS applications, but apparently Apple has had a change of heart and now done a big u-turn to welcome iOS app all comers with the proviso that “as long as the resulting apps do not download any code.”

According to an article over on Electric Pig by Jennifer Allan, and by way of Engadget, Apple is making some changes to their policy and is opening up some of the decision making process to application devs.

Thus apparently Apple is to publish their App Store Guidelines which will deliver an insight to developers as to what it takes for an app to make it pass and into the App Store, which no doubt will be of some help.

Apparently Apple has said they indent to “relax some restrictions,” now just what those restriction may be is anyone’s guess, and no doubt if Apple doesn’t like the look of the way things are going they can always to another u-turn and tighten up those relaxed restrictions as and when necessary.

However, maybe for once Apple is finally listening to their developer community and thus making the necessary changes.

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