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How To Install Android Froyo 2.2 on iPhone 2G / 3G with Bootlace

Would you like to change you iOS to Android Froyo 2.2 on your iPhone 2G and 3G? Well if the answer is yes then here is the how to do it.

A new application called Bootlace allows you to do this on jailbroken iPhones and no computer is needed at all, there have been many problems in the past trying to install Android on the Apple iPhone but at last some clever sod has managed to achieve this with a few simple steps.

If you would like to do the above you will need either an iPhone 2G running iOS 3.1.2 and 3.1.3 or the iPhone 3G running iOS 3.1.2, 3.1.3, 4.0, 4.0.1, 4.0.2 and 4.1, you will also need either of these jailbreaking tool, which are PwnageTool, Redsn0w or Blackra1n as these are supported by Bootlace.

If you visit RedmondPie they have the full how to install list just for you, the list is fairly long but simple enough to do, as usual you do this at your own risk.

If you try this please let us know how you got on, did it work well for you? Did you experience any problems? And of course do you really want to put Android Froyo 2.2 on your iPhone 2G or 3G? Get those comments rolling in please.

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