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Keynote App for Apple iPad

With the release of iOS 4.2 the Apple iPad gains numerous new features and now the Keynote app for iPad has been updated for iOS 4.2 and now also has several new features added to the application.

The keynote app for iPad is a powerful presentation app for Mac which has been redesigned to suit the Apple iPad and has just about everything one requires to create a stunning presentation with your iPad.

The updated Keynote app for iPad now offers wireless printing via iOS 4.2 AirPrint, support for iOS 4.2 multitasking, enhanced presenter display which shows current, and next slide, or notes when connected via an external display, improved usability, improved reliability when importing Keynote 09 and Microsofr PowerPoint presentations and improved export of PDFs using iOS 4.2.

So if you own an iPad and use Keynote for your presentation work then you can now download the Keynote app for the Apple iPad at a cost of $9.99 by hitting up iTunes.

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