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Android Bar Opens in Japan Cool or Not?

If you are one of the Android faithful in Japan especially Tokyo you now have your very own place to congregate and converse over all things Android as the first Android themed bar has now set up in the land of the rising sun.

According to an article over on Cnet, by way of Asiajin, the new Bar Android is located in Shibuya and only opens on Mondays between 7pm and 11.30pm where the menu may include Gingerbread, éclairs, frozen yoghurt, and doughnuts along with drinks and other snacks.

Prices wise apparently goods aren’t too expensive at snacks and drives averaging about 500 yen which is roughly $6 while meals cost 1000 yen. Patrons of Bar Android can also charge their Android device and chat about their favourite subjects.

Apparently though it’s okay if you aren’t one of the Android faithful and still want to hang at Bar Android; so what do our Android readers think of this idea, would you like to have an Android bar near you?

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