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Nokia N9 Does a Little Tweeting Action

Nokia’s new MeeGo toting smartphone, the Nokia N9 which is expected to release sometime next year and numerous rumours about the device have been around for some time, however it would appear that at least one Nokia fan has managed to get hold of a MeeGo toting Nokia N9.

According to an article over on NokNok by Mikey Bee, and by way of Gottabemobile, who got the info from My Nokia Blog, who were sent the above screenshot from Twitter user @SimonLR who claims he was tweeting from a Nokia N9 with a Nokia N9 widget.

Apparently one of his tweets read…” Android and iOS don’t have shit on this. Not even close,” the guys also says that the Nokia N9 homescreen widgets are working and that the keyboard is “spacious.”

However, according to a friend of Simons, @MikeMacias, tweeted about the comments saying… “I don’t know if @SimonLR got his hands on N9 today but don’t think he’d kid. Simon resigned from @mobile_fanatics and TMF doesn’t have it.”

So basically this SimonLR guy is saying he had a Nokia N9 in his possession, although that hasn’t been confirmed, but if true does give us a little more insight into the new MeeGo packing Nokia N9 smartphone.

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