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Google Nexus S Unboxed Ninja Style

Remember quite some time ago a YouTube user pushed out an unboxing of the Google Nexus One done by small ninja’s? Well the same guy has done it again this time with the Google Nexus S Android 2.3 Gingerbread handset.

The Ninja’s Unboxing 2 comes out way courtesy of the guys over at Daily Mobile but the only problem is the sneaky guys has taken over the entire page for his little spout of ninjas and thus made the video un-embeddable so we don’t actually have the view for you to view onsite.

However if you want to check out those three battling ninja’s fighting over the Google Nexus S handset you can do so by visiting the PatrickBoivin YouTube page, and if you do, don’t go thinking there’s something wrong when the YouTube page starts shrinking as its all part of the effect.

You don’t get to see a great deal of the Google Nexus S in action as the action centres on the three pesky ninja’s that swing and jump all over the page, but I have to say it is cleverly done, so head on over and check out the ninja’s going after the Nexus S video…enjoy.

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