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WikiLeaks App for iOS Devices Available

You are probably aware of all the news coverage over WikiLeaks and the government documents leak scandal, well now you can have instant access to the globes most documented leakage of top secret and confidential government docs with the WikiLeaks app for the iPhone, iPod Touch and Apple iPad.

The WikiLeaks iOS app delivers recent and old cable updates along with WikiLeaks tweets and an iPhone and Apple iPad formatted WikiLeaks website and features an intuitive interface for ease of use and continues to feed even when there are server disruptions.

The WikiLeaks app for iOS devices features full access to the WikiLeaks website including CableGate, #wikileaks hastag and @wikeleaks tweets, auto-forward to actual mirror, and instant access to new and old WikiLeaks documents.

The WikiLeaks app for iOS devices operates independently of Apple and WikiLeaks and is available to download to your iPhone, iPod Touch or Apple iPad running iOS 3.0 or above from iTunes for a cost of $1.99.

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