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Nokia Windows Phone 7 Devices May Come Says Murtazin

Yes sounds surprising doesn’t it considering Nokia VP of Mobile Anssi Vanjoki publically announced that Nokia wasn’t interested in pushing out any smartphones that would sport a 3rd party operating system such as Android.

However according to an article over on the Boy Genius Report by Andrew Munchbach, Mobile-review editor and in the know with certain Nokia connects Eldar Murtazin, has stated that Microsoft and Nokia are working on a joint venture which would create… “An entire line of Windows Phone devices that may go under the name Nokia [translated].”

In other words Nokia smartphones packing Microsoft’s Windows Phone 7 operating system; well let’s face it Nokia needs something to grab more of the smartphone space and keep at the top of the mobile arena and Symbian doesn’t seem to be doing that for them.

Of course Nokia could have gone with Android but apparently the top dogs and Nokia HQ must have had a change of heart when it comes to utilising 3rd party OS’s and thus it could well be that we start seeing Nokia Windows Phone 7 devices sometime in the future.

So what do our readers think on this matter, a good decision by Nokia to go with Windows Phone 7, or should Nokia have gone with Android or simply stayed with Symbian? Feel free to voice your options below in our comments area.

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