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Royal Wedding Westminster Abbey Android and iOS App Available: Video

In the UK and across the globe on the 29th of April 2011, millions will be watching the royal wedding between Prince William and Kate Middleton, and no matter where you are in the world if you want to check out where William and Kate will get married you can now do so with a smartphone app.

According to an article over on The Mirror, the Abbey 3D app for Android and iOS devices will be available to download from the royal wedding website as of today and the Abbey 3D mobile app has received the official approval of both Prince William and Kate Middleton.

The Abbey 3D app delivers 3D images and opens at Westminster’s Great West door where the bride will enter the abbey accompanied by her father Michael, on the 29th at 11am. The Abbey 3D app for Android, the iPhone and the Apple iPad uses laser scanning tech along with 3D modelling to deliver a scaled replica of the Abbey.

The Abbey 3D app gives a birds-eye view of Westminster Abbey showing its layout along with facts and archive pictures from previous royal weddings, biographies on key participants, and will be available to download from the Android Market and iTunes at a cost of £2.99, with proceeds from the sales being split between Prince William and Kate’s charitable gift fund and the Westminster Abbey foundation.

For your viewing consideration we have a video demo of the Abbey 3D app in action, which lasts just 28 seconds so don’t forget to check it out below…enjoy.

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