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Cydia Alternative: Lima Jailbreak iPhone App Store

Now you all know about Cydia but maybe it is not what you want to use at the moment, there is always something in the works and this time it is the different Lima jailbreak app store installer.

That is right a new web app called Lima is just like a browser-based dpkg installer like Cydia, Gagdgetsteria has =some great info covering this new web app that will allow you to download and install jailbroken apps direct from Mobile Safari.

There may be many of you that do not like the Infini-dev’s product called Icy and that is why this Cydia alternative jailbreak app store will be just what you need.

Please watch the YouTube video below courtesy of ipwnm0nster and let us know what you think of the new Lima in all its glory. Is this the next best web-based jailbreak app download service?

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