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RFID Pickpocketing: Are Smartphones at Risk?

I’m sure there are many people out there that have been the victim of a pickpocket, and it appears that with advancing technology the pickpocket if having a much easier time at stealing your information via RFID the new tech found in smart cards, new passports and speed passes.

According to a report over on Wkyc, RIFD cards broadcast data and using an electronic sniffer on the Apple iPad and a smartphone that card data can be stolen without your knowledge, and Walt Augustinowicz of Identity Stronghold has developed sleeves and wallets that can protect from RFID tech pickpocketing.

We have a video showing just how easy it is for a pickpocket to steal your card using RFID information, and I have to say if you check out the video below it does seem like these thieves have an easy time and as Augustinowicz says, “The biggest vulnerability is the fact that they don’t know.”

So if smartphone tech continues to expand the way it has been, we are already seeing NFC payments on smartphones, and if RFID comes to smartphones will they become a risk of electronic pickpocketing?

Check out the video below to see that how easy it is for a pickpocket to steal your electronic info, and feel free to voice your opinions on this matter to our comments area below.

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