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Superstitions App for Friday the 13th

How apt it is that today being Friday the 13th, we bring you an app called ‘Superstitions’. Th application provides a list of the most common Superstitions not just in our society, but also globally from different cultures.

Some of the Superstitions on the app go back thousands of years and others have only been introduced to our present day society recently. There are also some Superstitions used by other cultures that appear to us to be very strange and somewhat crazy. Nevertheless, there is usually always a reason behind why a Superstition has become a belief for many around the world.

The Superstitions iOS app is a great way for people to understand the beliefs of other cultures and gives an insight in to why some people practice Superstition without actually knowing why. For example, in our society many people think that they can jinx themselves by “tempting fate” or wishing something, like saying “It’s not going to rain today”. Some believe that by saying that statement, it might rain as a consequence, so in order to counteract the consequences occurring they knock on a piece of wood.

This app is compatible with Apple’s iPhone, iPad and iPod Touch and has a very easy to use interface and has been designed to ensure searches can quickly and easily be conducted on your Apple device. On the app, there is also a direct email service to the makers, so if you do not see your Superstition, it can be sent to them and added in the next update.

So if the Superstitions iOS app is of interest to you, it can be installed on to your iDevice from iTunes at a cost of £0.59. Please let us know what you think.

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