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Nokia Contemplating Selling Mobile Phone Unit to Microsoft?

Nokia as you know is going to push out Windows Phone handsets at some point in the future, but is Microsoft going to get more from Nokia than first thought? As apparently the word is Nokia may be contemplating selling their mobile phone unit to Microsoft.

According to an article over on the Boy Genius Report by way of Unwired View, Nokia man in the know, Eldar Murtazin, who has proven in the past to be spot on with his info, has intimated that Nokia is considering selling off their phone business to Microsoft and that negotiations for the sale could start next week.

Apparently the results of those negotiations will not be made public immediately but the deal could be closed before the end of the year. Apparently Murtazin says, “Both companies are in a big hurry.”

So if this news turns out to be true, will it be the end of Nokia branded smartphones? Will anyone be disappointed if Microsoft does indeed purchase Nokia’s mobile phone business?

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