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Google+ Android app update, has it improved

If you are using the Google+ app on your Android device, you may have been experiencing a few problems. You will be happy to know that yesterday Google updated its app and we suggest you go update.

The Google+ update mainly covers a few bug fixes, and a few key improvements to give you a much better online service.

So what is new in this update then? The update has fixed a bug that prevented installation on some Android devices, it now has an improved messenger notification reliability, it had fixed numerous crashes, comes with new translations, and last but not least you can now disable the speakerphone when headset is plugged in for hangouts.

For more information on the update please visit the Android Market, once you are there click on the tab marked “What’s New”, then there you can clearly see what is new within the update.

If you have updated your app on your Android device, please do use the commenting area below to let us know if you noticed the changes. We would love to know what you think, your input is very important to us and helps us understand the product and you.

There will be many more changes within the Google+ app, new features, enhancements, etc. This is a growing work progress and we will be following it very carefully indeed, when there is something new we will let you know, and of course if you know before us please let us know. Thanks

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