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iOS 5 jailbreak possible with Sn0wBreeze & RedSn0w

Apple released its public iOS 5 last night at 6PM UK time and so far we are very happy indeed, but how about jailbreakers? We got some very good news for those who love RedSn0w and Sn0wBreeze.

This morning we reported that RedSn0w and PwnageTool will be coming together to jailbreak iOS 5, and today thanks to iDB by way of MuscleNerd and iH8sn0w, there is confirmation that you will be able to jailbreak iOS 5 using Sn0wBreeze and RedSn0w.

The iOS 5 is now public and is the same as the iOS 5 GM (Gold Master), the tethered jailbreak that can perform with all the new versions of the jailbreak tools. Things are getting better for jailbreakers, we have already notified you that you can now jailbreak iOS 5 with RedSn0w, but this one is tethered and that means that you have to jailbreak each time you reboot you Apple product.

For more information about the iOS jailbreak using RedSn0w or Sn0wBreeze on Windows, please visit iDB as they have all the downloads, information and much more.

We will keep you notified about anything Jailbreak, iOS 5 etc, Please let us know what you think of the above news by commenting below. Thank you so much for your time.

We here at Phones Review do not recommend Jailbreaking your device, but that is your decision and we respect that, at the end of the day it is your device, all we do is supply you with the information you are entitled to.

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