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Windows Phone Lowest Selling Platform Says Orange VP

Phone Review Quickie: As you probably know, old Nokia has been slipping behind in the smartphone arena and is pinning their hopes of returning to their former glory on their new Windows Phone smartphones, which are expected to be unveils at Nokia World next Wednesday, and success with Windows Phone on Nokia is basically crucial; however with one mobile carrier at least Windows Phone isn’t the greatest of sellers.

According to an article over on Phone Arena by way of Cnet, Orange is one of the biggest carriers around the world, and the senior vice president of devices and mobile multimedia for Orange, Yevs Maitre told Cnet that Windows Phone is the lowest selling platform on the carrier’s Europe, Africa and Middle East markets.

Furthermore Maitre say that Android devices are the top platform on Orange, with iOS next and followed by BlackBerry devices, all of which the vice president says enjoys “strong” sales.

Maitre says of Windows Phone, “Honestly, it hasn’t been as successful as we expected,” and claims that potential customers are waiting for Nokia to unveil their Windows Phone offering before deciding.

Nokia World, which is being held in London, is seen as an “early indicator” of just how well Nokia Windows Phone handset will be received in Europe, and Maitre says, “If Nokia/Microsoft is not successful in Europe, then it will be tough in other countries.”

However apparently Orange are “cautiously optimistic” that the Nokia brand will do well and says that when you own an Nokia device “it’s like you’re driving a Mercedes Benz.”

Will Nokia Windows Phone devices pull the Finnish smartphone maker back to where they once were? It’s hard to say, and only time will tell, but if Nokia Windows Phones fail to attract what then for the Finnish manufacturer?

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