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Apple iPad extreme skydiving drop video

We’ve all see various drop test video with the Apple iPad, but when it comes to testing the Apple iPad G-Form cases the guys have to take it to the extremes, and we have an extreme drop test of two iOS slates for your viewing consideration below with the iPads being taken skydiving and dropped from a rather high up 1300 feet.

The iPads survive 1300 foot drops in G-Form cases during skydiving video comes our way courtesy of the guys over at Ubergizmo and by way of the G-Form YouTube page and basically does exactly what it say in the title.

The guys take an Apple iPad dressed in a G-Form Extreme Portfolio case and another encased in the G-Form Extreme Edge case then take a trip aboard a plane and set about skydiving and after pulling their ripcords let the Apple iPads fall back to earth.

Once the guys hit Terre Firma they retrieve the dropped iOS tablets and you probably guessed it by the video title, both slates come out unscathed having been protected by the very tough G-Form Extreme cases.

Have to say it does prove that these iPad cases certainly deliver on the protection side of things, but I’m not too sure just how many of the iOS faithful out there would accidentally drop their beloved Apple iPad from a height of 1300 foot, anyway head on down to check out the extreme drop test footage…enjoy.

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