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Siri, TellMe comparison Microsoft fail: video

Apparently Windows Phone has had a Siri like feature for quite some time according to Microsoft’s chief research and strategy officer Craig Mundie, speaking during an interview, and Mundie attributes all the attention that the iPhone 4S voice assistant has been receiving is due to Apple “hammering” the feature because the new iOS smartphone doesn’t have much else to attract customers.

Microsoft’s Siri like feature is called TellMe, a feature whereby users can give voice commands for playing music, search Bing, place calls and other stuff. However we have a video comparison between Apple’s Siri and Microsoft’s TellMe for your viewing pleasure below.

The TellMe versus Siri comparison video comes our way courtesy of the guys over at The Next Web and by way of the Techaudottv YouTube page and delivers a two-minute comparison between the two voice features.

One does have to say that after watching both voice assistants in action side by side it does appear that Microsoft’s claim is somewhat of a fail as it is quite apparently that the TellMe feature is definitely not on par with Siri.

And when given certain voice commands fails to recognise what is actually being said whilst Siri completes the commands with ease, so the claim that Microsoft has had a Siri like feature whilst probably correct, fails to let people know that TellMe is a long, long way from being anywhere near the iPhone 4S voice assistant’s capabilities.

Anyway, I’ll leave it right there and let you head on down to mash that play button and check out the comparison between Siri and Microsoft’s TellMe and see if you also believe it to be somewhat of a fail…enjoy.

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