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Android apps crash less often than iOS

Well now a little piece of interesting news, as most know iOS apps have been somewhat more polished that rival platform Android apps mainly due to Apple being so fussy over mobile applications whilst Android is more open, and in the past there has been quite a commotion over Android apps and malware, but it appears that iOS app are more prone to crashing than Android apps.

According to the guys over at iDownload Blog, by way of PC Mag, a recent report by Crittercism, a crash report analytics firm, states that iOS apps crash more than Android apps, and apparently iOS apps crash three times more that their rival Android apps.

Apparently the report took in the study of some 214 million differing app launches between Nov and Dec last year, the results of which showed that 52 million Android applications crashed while 162 million iOS apps crashed.

However, apparently the study took place a couple of weeks after Apple delivered iOS 5 and ran during the release of incremental iOS updates and as such the analysis of crashes between Dec 1 and Dec 15 show that crashes on iOS 5 and iOS 5.0.1 account for 32% of all recorded app issues.

So with this said we’d like to hear from our iPhone and Android readers out there to find out how often their apps crash or whether you aren’t experiencing that many app issues on your smartphone, so feel free to let us know by dropping us a line to our comments area below.

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