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Top 10 iPad travel apps 2012

If you are a frequent traveller and use an Apple iPad there are quite a few iOS travel apps available for the iOS slate, and as I’m sure you know, using a travel app on your Apple iPad can take a bit of the stress out of travelling, and thus what we have for your consideration below are a few travel apps for the iPad.

The top 10 iPad travel apps 2012 has been compiled by the guys over at Market Watch, and so we thought we’d pass along their top 10 pick for our travelling Apple iPad toting readers out there to see if they agree that these iOS apps are invaluable when travelling.

So on that top ten list is an app that every traveller should have, a currency converter in the form of the XE Currency Converter, which will obviously come in very handy when working out how much things cost when abroad.

Then there is Google Translate, a great iOS app so you can translate differing languages and so you don’t have to struggle to find that word you are looking for when conversing in a foreign country, and it does have the ability to translate from speech.

Next how about the TripAdvisor app for the Apple iPad, as you’ll no doubt want to book that hotel before travelling, or make that reservation for dinner, and this app makes it simple to locate top attractions which are rated by the TripAdvisor community.

Next we have the Skyscanner app for iPad, which is the world’s most powerful flight search app and free for the iPad, making is possible to look for and book that inexpensive flight, which is always a bonus.

Then we have the HG2 app, which is packed full of local knowledge of hot spots, hotels and bars in numerous cities, and is an essential guide that covers 41 cities and great for city break enthusiasts.

Of course if you are on a long flight you just might like something to read, so how about the Kindle app for iPad that basically turns your iOS slate into an ereader so you can access the Amazon Strorefront and grab some reading material for your journey.

Next up there is an app called Packing Pro, an app that delivers a handy check list of what things you want to pack for your trip so you don’t miss anything important out, and if you put in the type of trip you are going on the app will offer up suggestions on what you should pack.

When travelling you will no doubt want to eat and this is where the Urbanspoon app comes in handy, as the Urbanspoon app can suggest a restaurant for you based on price range, cuisine, and neighbourhood, or you can simply opt to give your iPad a shake and you’ll get a random suggestion.

Next there is the TourWrist app, which apparently makes it possible for the user to create a 360-degree panorama of their travels, capturing views from your hotel room or wherever you visit and you can also get inspiration by viewing other traveller’s tours.

And lastly there is of course the Twitter app for iPad, as no doubt when travelling you’ll want to keep up with your Twitter updates and of course a great place to find out what a place is really like from people who have already been there, and from bloggers and businesses in that area.

So there you have it the top 10 travellers 2012 apps for the Apple iPad, of course as we said previously there are many more, so if you have a particular iPad travel app you think is great feel free to share it to our comments area below.

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