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iCarbs iNutrients: Carbohydrates app for Diabetics and Bodybuilders

If you like to keep an eye on your carbohydrates, or perhaps a diabetic that needs to restrict their carbohydrate intake, or if you happen to be a bodybuilder that needs a high intake of carbohydrates, as long as you use an iOS device there is an updated iCarbs iNutrients app for iOS now available to download.

Version 2.6 of iCarbs iNutrients for the iPhone, iPod Touch and Apple iPad enables anyone to find out just how many carbohydrates there are in over 1100 different food servings, which is critical info for diabetics that need to make sure they don’t exceed the recommended amount of carbs intake.

The iCarbs iNutrients app for iOS is also good for bodybuilders to help them achieve the high intake of carbs they require, and the app delivers information about foods and how they are rated for carbohydrate content for anyone.

The iCarbs iNutrient app has 8 eligible food listings, fast foods, meat fish and shellfish, dairy and egg, fruits and vegetables, sweets, snacks, cereal grains and pasta and selecting an item from the food table will show relevant info about that food serving such as…

The food title, carbohydrate content, calories, weight in grams, common measure such as ½ cup, USDA description, USDA food group, USDA National Nutrient Database for Standard Reference ID, and percentage of carbohydrate by weight.

Colours identify which is which…black = extremely high in carbs (45.01 — 166.46g) — dark red = very high in carbs (30.1 — 45.00g) — red =high in carbs (15.01 — 30.00g) — orange = moderately high in carbs (12.01 — 15.00g) — yellow = moderate in carbs (9.01 — 12.00g) — light green = moderately low in carbs (6.01 — 9.00g) — green = low in carbs (3.01 — 6.00g) — cyan = very low in carbs (0.01 — 3.00g) and white = extremely low in carbs (less than 0.01g).

For those that would like to take advantage of what the iCarbs iNutrients app for the iPhone, iPod Touch and Apple iPad has to offer you can download the application from iTunes at a cost of $1.99.

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