Droid RAZR ICS 4.0.4 update arriving possibly on 12th
If you are over in the good old US of A and happen to own the Motorola Droid RAZR on Verizon, and have been patiently awaiting the arrival of the Android Ice Cream Sandwich update to hit your Droid RAZR, then you might like to know that the word is the Android 4.0.4 update could arrive in a few days time.
According to the guys over at Ubergizmo, the word is a source within the Big red has told the guys over at Cnet that the Android Ice Cream Sandwich update for the Verizon Motorola Droid RAZR will finally arrive as of the 12th of this month.
However, of course one must realise that at time these unnamed insider sources can be somewhat unreliable, and word has come down before that the ICS update would hit the Verizon Motorola Droid RAZR soon in the past, but as yet hasn’t become a reality, so with that in mind there could be a possibility that the 12th of June is the date, but for now this should be treated as pure rumour.
Apparently according to said unnamed sources, the reason behind the delay in delivering the Android 4.0.4 update to the Verizon Droid RAZR is because they decided to bump up the update from 4.0.3 to 4.0.4, still as the 12th if roughly only a week away it wont be too long before we know for sure if the Verizon Droid RAZR will finally see the update. Are any of our Verizon Droid RAZR owning readers fed up with waiting for this update, if so feel free to express your annoyance to our comments area below.
17 thoughts on “Droid RAZR ICS 4.0.4 update arriving possibly on 12th”
Well I hope this time the “rumor” is so much a rumor but rather a fact. But I’m not getting my hopes up that on the 12th we’ll see the update. As mentioned above, there have been rumors in the past that completely fell through.
I hope this rumor comes to fruition! I think that the RAZR is by far the most complete Android device on the market! Hopefully with the recent purchase of Motorola by Google the updates are more complete and bug free! Google now has the ability and means to make a system/device relationship that can trump the iPhone in every capacity! And if Verizon was smart they would see that one of their best selling Android devices is destined for greatness and would work to get these updates pushed sooner than later like they have in the past!
What makes this difficult to believe is that it takes almost a week to update the servers with a reportedly already stable version. In an environment where a PC is used to build updates it can take a rather large amount of time but on an industry level server system it shouldn’t take this long. Realistically even if Verizon was pushing this update to every one of its capable phones it shoildn’t take this long, so where is the time frame? Is it soak tests? That seems less likely as users have already been invited to it back in May and it was reportedly rock solid then. In any situation I am going to assume last minute negotiations with partners for pre-installed software (much of which we don’t need or want) before I subscribe to such a rediculous excuse.
Entre un Samsung Galaxy S2 y un Motorola Rarz cual es mejor?
i sure freaking hope so. this is getting rediculous…..
Will the update be available in INIDA for xt910
By the time Motorola releases its verrrrrrry fine tuned OS version apart from others .. other manufaturers such as Samsung, HTC & Sony would be launching heaps of new models with the same ICS updated software thus making the owners of Driod RAZR more pathetic and more aggrevated thus making their minds not to purchase a Motorola hereafter in their life…
If their software development & testing takes soooo long for Motorola then how come it will be capturing the market with its dumb ass models which might be having heaps of hardware capabilities and useless software embedded in them.
I am a huge fan of Motorola .. But this ICS update is ruining their reputation..
I had Sony Xperias as well as Samsung smart phones… Atleast there are Devs working by the side to give the customers a taste of the new release by letting out the rooted versions thus making the customers less aggrevated… But nobody is that much interested in tampering the Droids that much… I dunno about the US customers.. but globally less number of Devs dare to tamper Moto devices…
Gaushhhhhhh… I’m so annoyed…
¿Entre un Samsung Galaxy S2 y un Motorola Rarz cual es mejor?
Lo mejor es…. ….ambos.
Mi amigo tiene un SGS2. Es my rapido y tiene una pantalla super claro.
Yo tengo el Razr. Tambien tengo un Motorola Lapdock 100 para convertir mi
Razr a una computadora.
Lee los comentarios y comparaciones para decidir cual es mejor para ti.
I’ve had ICS on my wifi Xoom after a regular update for a couple of months now (sans facial recognition) Honestly, the only thing that I find great about it is that I can now take screenshots [Just like my old first generation iPhone] This is the main reason I would like it on my Razr.
Side note: Checked out the Galaxy tab 2 today at Best Buy with the dedicated virtual screenshot button. Oddly, it also took a picture of all the virtual buttons that you need to pop up in order to use the button. Don’t really want that in every single screenshot. I wonder if the ICS volume down/ power button screenshot combo works on that as well, considering ICS comes stock.
I hope after all this hype, that it actually works.. ROBVOLSR
still no sign of the update and it is the 12th..Â
give us the damn update already
Any recent news of the 12th update? I have seen a thing about it on the internet other than saying the possible 12th…well its the 12th….any one else?
id like an updated ics on my phone too please
Man your guys’ source sucks haha, I think one writer started the rumor and everyone just copied it to not be left behind. Nobody is even stepping up to say that it’s not going to happen or that maybe later today.
I’m keeping hope alive though!
well last I spoke with a Verizon support chat personnel, yesterdays news was a speculation but westill have till July 30 for them to make good on their promise. While others even are saying the 18th may be a possibility with another soak testing phase. We’ll see… 8?(
Promised over eight months ago; by the time it actually arrives the phones will be outdated. Thanks Motorola!