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Robin for Android voice assistant for the driver

I’m sure most would say that when it comes to mobile voice assistants, Siri takes the crown, especially now that with iOS 6 the new Siri can do turn-by-turn navigation, although Android has had that function for quite some time. However it appears that when it comes to driving, Siri has a new Android challenger called Robin.

Robin is a app for Android that has been designed with the driver in mind, and uses voice in/out along gestures so the driver can communicate with their device enabling the driver to keep their eyes on the road ahead.

With Robin for Android the user can ask for directions, real time parking, local places, gas prices, traffic information, the weather, your Twitter news and more, and Robin constantly learns and adopts to the user, and reads everything out aloud to you as you drive.

Robin for Android recognises a multitude of useful commands such as get me to Getty Museum, where can I park, find the cheapest parking around whatever destination you say, look for cheaper or closer parking, what’s the traffic like near Hollywood, is it snowing in Moscow, read my Twitter feed, tell me a joke, remind me to exercise tonight, and so on.

For those Android drivers out there that think Robin might be just what they are looking for, we have a short video demo of Robin in action for your viewing pleasure below, so don’t forget to mash that play button and check out the footage before hitting up Google Play where you can grab Robin as a free app download to your chosen Android smartphone.

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