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Amazing Spider Man iOS and Android game prologue video

I’m fairly sure most of the Android and iOS mobile gamers out there are aware that when The Amazing Spider-Man movie hits the silver screens, game maker Gameloft is set to release The Amazing Spider-Man game on both the iOS and Android platforms, and as such Gameloft has put out another promo video touting the mobile game, which we have for your viewing consideration below.

The Amazing Spider-Man prologue video comes our way courtesy of the guys over at Redmond Pie, and the mobile game follows a similar story to that of the upcoming movie release whereby the gamer plays the part of Peter Parker and his alter ego Spider-Man of course.

According to the footage The Amazing Spider-Man for the iPhone, Apple iPad and Android devices should hit Google Play and iTunes somewhere around the 28th of this month, which is the same release date for the movie in certain countries, whilst here in the UK the film is expected to debut on the 3rd of July.

There have already been a few The Amazing Spider-Man game videos out there such as the few we posted previously, but this particular prologue video is a new one.

So all you need do now is head on down and hit that play button to check out the footage, and feel free to let us know if you are waiting to play The Amazing Spider-Man game on iOS or Android once the game hits by dropping us a line to our comments area below…enjoy.

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