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Amazing Alex for Android & iOS released

Well Rovio said their latest gaming creation Amazing Alex was coming on the 12th of this month, and true to their word, Amazing Alex has now been released for both iOS gamers and Android gamers alike, with two versions available for iOS, and three version for the Android platform.

The two versions for iOS is Amazing Alex for the iPhone, and Amazing Alex HD for the Apple iPad, whilst for Android there is a free version, an HD version, and a paid version of Amazing Alex.

Amazing Alex for Android and iOS is a new puzzle game from Rovio the creators of the hugely popular Angry Birds games. With Amazing Alex the gamer get to play 100 levels across 4 locations, and gets to clean up Alex’s room, battle cardboard robots, and create chain reactions.

With Amazing Alex for iOS and Android, the game can set objects to bounce, ricochet, bash, pop, and crash into each other and create an elaborate Rube Goldberg device, and with an entire house of toys there is more than one answer.

I’m pretty sure most already know what Amazing Alex has to offer mobile gamers, so for those iOS gamers that would love to play Amazing Alex you can download the iPhone version at a cost of $0.99 by hitting up here, or grab the HD version for $2.99.

Whilst for the Android gamers you can grab the free app by hitting up here, or the paid version which costs $0.99/£0.64 here, or you can download the HD version at a cost of $2.99/£1.93, and I’m sure Amazing Alex will be just as successful for Rovio as was Angry Birds.

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