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World’s funniest Google Nexus 7 unboxing video

Here at Phones Review we like to bring you all the news regarding new tablets and smartphones and for weeks we’ve been writing posts on the Google Nexus 7 tablet. Today’s news is slightly different though as we thought we’d give you a look at an unboxing video and this is one with a difference as it has to be the world’s funniest Google Nexus 7 unboxing video.

We occasionally bring readers unboxing videos for much-awaited new devices and usually they are pretty slick productions that carefully and slowly unveil the goodies within. The video that we’ve embedded below this story for your viewing pleasure is unique in that this unboxing does not go smoothly at all, for anyone. In fact it seems that Google and Asus who manufacture the Nexus 7 tablet, are taunting the tech world as the video shows several people from different tech sites all sharing the same frustration at getting into the box!

The video montage was brought to our attention by Droid-Life and the guys there also confessed that while unboxing a Google Nexus 7 at the Google I/O event they had also endeavored to make the usual standard unboxing video to share with others. However their attempt was so messy that they only went on to show a hands-on experience! They don’t need to feel embarrassed at their seeming ineptitude any more though as a whole host of clever people try…and fail…to get effortlessly into the box in this unboxing challenge.

Take a look at the video below to see what we mean. We love the guy making a stab at attempting to cut the high-grade tape with plastic collar stays and the person who realizes they actually missed the moment on film when the box was finally opened. The Google Nexus 7 tablet is flying off the shelves as we speak but oh, for a gadget to open gadget boxes….now if somebody could invent that!

Let us know what you think of the Google Nexus 7 unboxing video by sending in your comments. Have you also purchased the Nexus 7 tablet and were your attempts just as comical and inept?

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