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Google Play Store APK file shows wishlist and gift cards

The Google Play store app for Android recently received an update to version 3.8.15, and apparently although the size of the APK file was larger than before, it seemed that not much had changed with this latest version other than a few minor changes to the UI; however it appears that bump in file size did bring a few secrets when the APK file was looked deeper into and compared with the previous version.

According to an article over on GSM Arena, the guys over at Android Police became somewhat curios at the APK file size bump, and thus decoded both v3.7.15 and v3.8.15, and discovered the secrets within the file. It appears that the Google guys are gearing up to deliver Google Play gift cards.

Although the APK is currently inaccessible to users, once it goes live the user will be able to enter a gift card code and redeem the gift card amount. A while ago Google did add the ability for a balance amount in your account for those that purchased the Google Nexus 7, and the appearance of Play Store gift cards in the new APK is solid evidence they are coming.

Another little secret the APK revealed was that a wishlist feature has also been added, so you can for example add an Android app, a movie, book and the likes that you might like to purchase at some point in the future, maybe when the price for that product starts to tumble.

Apparently there is no real evidence that Google will add the option to perhaps gift apps directly to other Android users, and there’s no real word on just when Google is likely to release these new features for use, but as this latest APK includes those features it shouldn’t be all that long before the Android faithful get to play with them.

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